gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Apr 02, 2011 20:14
must see: dae, music show: mnet, must see: bong, activities: 4th mini album, videos: interviews, must see: gri, must see: bae, performance: tonight, performance: lies, must see: tabi, must see: baby, music show: mnet soundplex, audio: live rip, must see: seungwhores
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Apr 02, 2011 12:45
music show: mnet, music show: mnet soundplex, audio: live rip, must see: bong, activities: 4th mini album
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Mar 26, 2011 13:42
must see: dae, music show: mnet, performance: cafe, must see: bong, activities: 4th mini album, videos: interviews, performance: knock out, must see: bae, must see: tabi, must see: baby, music show: mnet soundplex, performance: strong baby, performance: magic
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Mar 21, 2011 23:13
music show: mnet, must see: baby, must see: tabi, music show: music station, must see: seungwhores, activities: 4th mini album
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Mar 21, 2011 22:53
must see: dae, music show: mnet, must see: bong, activities: 4th mini album, music show: m soundplex, must see: bae, must see: tabi, videos: rehearsal
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Mar 03, 2011 18:48
tv show: bigbangtv, must see: dae, must see: bong, must see: bae, performance: tonight, performance: somebody to love, videos: rehearsal, must see: seungwhores, performance: what is right, music show: mnet, performance: cafe, activities: 4th mini album, performance: hands up, must see: baby, must see: tabi, performance: lies
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Nov 21, 2009 17:56
music show: mnet, solo activites: gdragon, activities: taeyang: where u at, performance: wedding dress, activities: taeyang wedding dress, solo activites: taeyang, must see: bong, activities: gd 1st mini album, music show: mama 2009, must see: bae, performance: where u at, performance: heartbreaker, performance: korean dream
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Jan 08, 2009 18:04
music show: mnet, solo activites: seungri, music show: mnet m! countdown, must see: baby, activities: 2nd album, videos: mp4 format, activities: seungri: strong baby, performance: strong baby
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Jan 05, 2009 12:00
music show: mnet, must see: tabi, activities: 3rd mini album, music show: mnet madam b, videos: rehearsal, must see: bong, extras: behind the scene
gdbabygurl wrote in hq_bigbang Dec 04, 2008 19:10
music show: mnet, performance: encore, music show: mnet m! countdown, performance: haru haru, must see: baby, activities: 2nd album, videos: mp4 format, performance: sunset glow, videos: awards